Can we have a roadmap and custom work?

Episode 20 is our next episode. In this instalment, I interview Steve Johnson.

Steve Johnson is a product success coach focused on removing the chaos from product planning. He’s the founder of Product Growth Leaders, where he uses modern methods to guide product teams from idea to market in only a few weeks. His approach is based on the belief that minimal process and simple templates result in a nimble product team. Steve is a former instructor and executive at Pragmatic Marketing and the co-creator of the popular QuartzOpen framework.

Steve is the creator of Fundamentals of Managing Products, which provides a strong foundation for the mechanics of product management. Remove the chaos from your product management process.

We allocate 100% of our resources for the roadmap and plan the other 100% to do specials
— Steve Johnson

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Next up we have Randy Silver Product Management consultant, coach, speaker and author. As well as co-host of The Product Experience podcast. So watch out for Episode 21!

Phil Hornby

Co-host of Talking Roadmaps

Passionate product professional. Helping entrepreneurial product teams to be successful. Coach. Trainer. Facilitator.

Should a roadmap be a commitment?


Do we need dates on a roadmap?