How important is a roadmapping tool?

Episode 8 is our next episode. In this instalment, I interview Tim Herbig. For more than ten years, Tim worked in various in-house and consulting roles as a Product Manager and Head of Product. He constantly challenged himself to make an evidence-informed way of working in industries like publishing, professional networking, and building Enterprise-level SaaS applications. He knows what it takes to balance large-scale product iterations with the scrappiness of a pre-Product-Market-Fit state. Tim is on a Mission to help Product Teams find their path to focus on Outcomes by connecting the dots of Strategy, Goals, and Discovery. He wants to create a future where Product Teams can make real progress toward meaningful goals through self-determined and evidence-based decision-making.

Don’t over-tool your roadmap approach
— Tim Herbig

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Our next guest is a big one! We have Bruce McCarthy one of the authors of Product Roadmaps Relaunched on the channel! If you haven't read the book you should! It's the best guide there is to modern roadmapping! So watch out for Episode 9!

Phil Hornby

Co-host of Talking Roadmaps

Passionate product professional. Helping entrepreneurial product teams to be successful. Coach. Trainer. Facilitator.

Do roadmaps need to tell a story?


Are sales or customers more forgiving of your roadmap?